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Borrowed Knowledge A Guide To The Arcane Eye Spell

Borrowed Knowledge: A Guide to the Arcane Eye Spell


The Borrowed Knowledge spell is a 5th-level divination spell that allows the user to draw on the knowledge of the past or to create a temporary link with an arcane eye. This spell can be useful in a variety of situations, from gathering information to scouting ahead.


* Verbal * Somatic * Material (a pinch of incense)


10 minutes




The user of the Borrowed Knowledge spell can choose to do one of two things: * **Draw on the knowledge of the past:** This allows the user to gain proficiency in a skill in which they lack proficiency. The skill must be one that could have been learned from a teacher or through study. * **Create an arcane eye:** This allows the user to create a temporary link with an arcane eye. The arcane eye can be used to scout ahead or to gather information.


The Borrowed Knowledge spell has a few limitations: * The user can only gain proficiency in one skill at a time. * The arcane eye created by the spell lasts for only 10 minutes. * The arcane eye cannot be used to attack or to harm others.


The Borrowed Knowledge spell can be useful in a variety of situations. Here are a few examples: * A player character can use the spell to gain proficiency in a skill that they need for a particular adventure. * A player character can use the arcane eye to scout ahead and gather information about a dungeon or other dangerous area. * A player character can use the spell to communicate with someone who is远.
